St George of England
JoinedPosts by St George of England
2021 Service Report
by alanv ini have just realized that the 2021 service report figures have in fact been published.
but they are written in such a way its harder to compare.
so on the jw website, there is a tab called 'about us'.
Are you new PIMO? (Physically In/Mentally Out)
by Iamallcool inwhat is your story?
we would love to “hear” from you!
St George of England
Also all those years in UK when sick and elderly etc not allowed to write letters
Unsolicited letters and phone calls were always considered to be illegal here in the UK. Whenever there was a meeting item that mentioned this there would be an announcement that it did not include the UK. When Covid struck and we went into "no door to door work" that changed, however, the instruction to write letters etc was never put in writing. It was told to the CO's who had a ZOOM meeting with the local elders and told them. Thus there was no paper trail back to the WT Society if anything went wrong. Just like trolley work, "it's your personal ministry", nothing to do with us.
Governing Body Helpers
by Iamallcool indo you know anything more about them?
what is their history?
St George of England
w 15 10/15 p3
“Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear”
SINCE 1992, the Governing Body has appointed experienced, mature Christian elders to help its committees carry out their work.* These helpers, from among the “other sheep,” provide valuable support to the Governing Body. (John 10:16) They attend the weekly meeting of the committee to which they are assigned, providing background information and offering suggestions. The Governing Body members make the final decisions, but the helpers implement the committee’s direction and carry out whatever assignments they are given. The helpers accompany Governing Body members to special and international conventions. They may also be assigned to visit branch offices as headquarters representatives.
One of the helpers who has served since the arrangement was instituted says: “When I take care of my assigned tasks, the Governing Body can concentrate more fully on spiritual matters.” Looking back over his two decades of serving as a helper, another brother observes: “It has been a privilege beyond anything I could ever have anticipated.”
The Governing Body entrusts much to its helpers and appreciates the fine service performed by these loyal, hardworking brothers. May we all “keep holding men of that sort dear.”—Phil. 2:29.
See the box “How the Governing Body Cares for Kingdom Interests” in chapter 12 of the book God’s Kingdom Rules! for a summary of the responsibilities that are cared for by the six committees of the Governing Body.
Helpers to Governing Body Committees
Coordinators’ Committee
John Ekrann
Robert Wallen
Personnel Committee
Gerald Grizzle
Patrick LaFranca
Daniel Molchan
Ralph Walls
Publishing Committee
Don Adams
Robert Butler
Harold Corkern
Donald Gordon
Robert Luccioni
Alex Reinmueller
David Sinclair
Service Committee
Gary Breaux
Joel Dellinger
Seth Hyatt
Christopher Mavor
Baltasar Perla, Jr.
William Turner, Jr.
Robert Wallen
Leon Weaver, Jr.
Teaching Committee
Ronald Curzan
Kenneth Flodin
William Malenfant
Mark Noumair
David Schafer
Writing Committee
Robert Ciranko
James Mantz
Izak Marais
Gene Smalley
John Wischuk
Anyone watch Evans video on the Bethalite who left?
by mickbobcat ini don't know if he was a regular betalite but either way he left and in the interview he says some of the gb are very intelligent.
the whole thing came across to me as this guy may have just left and is still a little wonky about talking against the gb.
i don't buy from all i have seen that any of the gb are very intelligent.. [video removed].
St George of England
Really? One hour and 28 minutes. I have just watched an old cowboy that lasted not much longer, time better spent methinks.
Ghislaine Maxwell on trial
by LoveUniHateExams inghislaine maxwell is on trial for grooming underage girls for sex and joining in, apparently.. her defence has recently finished, with maxwell declining to take the stand herself because she, in her words, 'doesn't need to as the prosecution haven't proved their case beyond reasonable doubt'.. that's for the jury to decide, ghislaine, lol.
doesn't it strike you as arrogant that she can't be arsed to stand up and speak in her own defence?.
St George of England
She doesn't want to end up committing suicide like her mate Jeffrey Epstein.
Commenting Ban?
by Iamallcool indo you think the watchtower will ban commenting at the meetings one day?
if you are pimo, you might want to try to make some comments to make others think about the “truth”!
St George of England
I don't think the WT Q&A will disappear any time soon. It's not a discussion or debate it is simply reciting the published answers.
However, the CO visit has changed over the years. He used to give 4 talks, now down to 3 and none of them have any audience participation. The older ones on here will remember the CO visit on Saturday evening "new things learned" which was questions on the previous 6 months WT's. He wouldn't take QA's in his Public Talk but would involve the audience in the other two.
Some may also remember the late DO David Carter who would even take answers from the audience at a Circuit Assembly.
New light and confessing to congregations.
by asp59 in2017 - wt: the gb is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters... clearly gb have received biblical information about things that been done wrong.
not from god directly, but letters received at headquarters.
if important new light about biblical matters have come to the gb attention, why are they not telling the congregations about that information?
St George of England
I think there are plenty of Bethelites, including "heavies" that know there are problems with doctrine and organisation. However to misquote a scripture "where else can they go?"
If they speak up they could be down the road with no savings, no accommodation, no pension and no transferable skills. A very scary thought and even more so with the current situation.
Armageddon Aftermath
by Vanderhoven7 inactually you can hear it from the governing body himself (jehovah's witnesses leaders) and visualise it with this video… .
welcome to jehovah's witness paradise!.
St George of England
Wouldn't all of that be taken care of by the "anti-matter/matter" situation?
If that was correct, why didn't he use the magic "anti-matter" at the flood so he didn't have to kill billions of innocent animals? It would also have saved Noah and family spending 50 years building a wooden box. All twaddle of course!
Films of the decade - 70s
by LoveUniHateExams inwell, i'm spoilt for choice for the seventies!.
so many good movies.
i own a few more films from this decade - 41 to be exact.. so many great films came out in this decade .... the godfather (1972).
St George of England
I haven't seen all the ones on your list Uni but two of my favourites from the 70's:-
The Day of the Jackal
The French Connection
The Bruce Willis remake of The Jackal was a disaster, only watched it once.
2021 Annual Meeting!
by Atlantis inthe 2021 annual meeting is causing quite an upset.
if you missed the download link before, then here it is again.. 2021 annual meeting in full.. here:.
St George of England
Thank you for that. As painful as it will be to watch it will surely be better than the "padded out" version!